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Blog > What is a Brazilian Blow Dry?

Published 22nd November 2015

The Brazilian blow dry was originally developed in Brazil (hence the name) and is designed to repair damaged hair while also protecting it from further damage. Your damaged hair will be transformed into L’Oréal worthy smooth, shiny and silky-soft hair. What woman doesn't want that!?

Benefits of a Brazilian Blow Dry

The Brazilian blow dry will replenish hair and protect it from damage by using natural sources rather than harsh chemicals. Keratin is the natural source already found in our hair and is the primary protein which is what makes this treatment unique.

1. Smoothes & Shines

This very clever treatment will protect the hair from heat damage so you will get that lovely natural shine back to your hair. As well as bringing back the natural shine, the treatment will also straighten the hair to leave a smooth and silky look.

2. Softens & Eliminates Frizz

If you have a lot of frizz that simply cannot be controlled or a little frizz that just gets on your last nerve. The Brazilian blow dry will put an end to it. That means no more dreading rainy or humid days… this really is the answer to your prayers.

Brazilian Blow Dry Facts

Before you get a Brazilian blow dry, it is important to know the facts and what it is you should be expecting. There is nothing worse than jumping into something too soon and getting something you weren’t expecting. Here are some important facts to help you decide whether a Brazilian blow dry is for you.

1. How long does it take & is it Permanent?

The treatment can take from 2 to 4 hours depending on how long and how thick your hair is. Of course, the thicker and longer the hair, the more time it will take. Many people mistake the Brazilian blow dry to be permanent. It is not a permanent treatment.

2. How Often Should I Get it done & Does it Contain Any Chemicals?

Because the Brazilian blow dry isn’t permanent, we recommend you get this treatment done every 2 to 4 months, depending on your hair type and your preferences. Your hairdresser will discuss with you how often you should get this treatment.

There are no chemicals in this treatment, the Brazilian blow dry uses Keratin which is a natural source already found in the hair.

If you do decide to go for the Brazilian blow dry, let us know how it went and send us your pictures by tagging us on Twitter @PamperPad.