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Blog > Diet like you shop! How to loose weight effectively.

Published 28th April 2014

Find dieting boring? Too many rules to follow making it impossible to sustain for life?

This month I am going to explain  an easy way to lose weight and keep to your healthy goals without having to give up your favourite foods and nights out with your friends.......Treat your diet like your shopping!

Have a spend and save attitude to food like you would with a shopping trip.  You can go to Prada once in a while and spend wisely but you can go to Primark and shop till you drop on a regular basis. In other words, treat yourself to your favourite foods occasionally but eat all the healthy food you like in abundance.

Eat 'clean' foods most of the time, these are unprocessed and as close to their natural state as possible.  These will make you feel good inside and look good on the outside.  There are no clever tricks to feeling and looking great it's all about clean eating with the occasional treat and also working out.  The key is to make your nutrition and exercise work for you, so you can fit in all the preparation for meals and exercise sessions.

Once your body rids itself of all the toxins caused by processed foods and too much caffeine and alcohol you will see a massive difference in your skin, weight and energy.

If you have a hectic lifestyle, like many of us do, cook in bulk when you get the chance and freeze meals in portions so you don't have to turn to convenience foods if time is limited.  Eating raw foods is a fab way to keep healthy and means no cooking involved.  For example, salads with good fats and hummus with veggies are great options which will fill you up and stop you craving rubbish.

Give it a try and you will see the results and never have to count points, keep a diary or weigh foods ever again.

Charlotte Collette, Personal Trainer and Nutrition Expert. Beautifit.