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Anti-wrinkle Injections in Cosmetic Treatments

What are anti wrinkle injections?

Anti wrinkle injections are used to relax the muscles that surround areas prone to wrinkling such as the brow, between the eyebrows and also around the eyes. By relaxing these muscles it allows wrinkles to disappear, or prevent them from forming. The injections work by blocking the signal between your facial nerves and the muscles surrounding the wrinkles. Ultimately the anti wrinkle injections cause the wrinkle creating muscles to contract.

How are anti wrinkle injections done?

The usual process for having anti wrinkle injections is to speak with your consultant about your medical history, and your background at the initial consultation. During this consultation the professionals will formulate a treatment plan. This treatment plan may include other therapies in addition to the anti wrinkle injections, if required.

During the anti wrinkle injection appointment your consultant will firstly map out the areas on your face in which treatment is required. This is done by testing your ability to move certain facial muscles. A large number of small injections are made in to the targeted areas where the muscles are causing wrinkles. Each anti wrinkle injection is done at a specific depth, with a specific measure of the treatment. The procedure itself takes around 10 minutes to complete.

How often do anti wrinkle injections need to be done?

The full effect of anti wrinkle injections are visible after 3-7 days. The full effect of the treatment lasts around 3-4 months, and will need to be maintained after this period of time.

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