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Blog > Everything You Need To Know About: Dermaplaning

Published 27th April 2018

First things First: What is Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is a craze that you may have heard of or seen all over Instagram, if not by it’s actual name.

It is the method of using a surgical scalpel to *gently* scrape off the dead skin cells and ‘peach fuzz’ from the surface of the face.

*We don’t recommend grabbing your fella's razor and shaving cream for this one, it’s not THAT type of shaving!*

Why Would You?

According to top dermatologists, dermaplaning leaves the skin softer and smoother to the touch, as well as it appearing brighter. Not only this, but products applied to the skin afterwards will go on smoother, think flawless looking foundation and a skin care routine that suddenly becomes even more effective than it was pre-treatment!

It is suitable for almost all types of skin, and will work especially well if you have very dull dry skin. The procedure however, isn’t suitable for those who have inflamed acne, as the use of the sharp scalpel can cause more irritation.

The treatment, if used regularly, can increase the cell turnover, leading to the reduction of acne scarring, and visibly fewer wrinkles and dark spots, not just hair removal.

It’s *Relatively* Quick & Easy

The treatment takes approximately 40 minutes, and will leave you with some slight redness, but not enough to make you not want to go back to work after having the treatment on your lunch break.

The treatment can last up to four weeks, meaning that your skin will be looking fresh and photo ready for a whole month. However, it is best advised to leave 6 weeks in between treatments.

What Will The Regrowth Be Like?

Forget every urban myth you heard in high school about shaving.

The hair won’t grow back thicker and darker as it is light vellus hair or ‘peach fuzz’. It will grow at the same speed it always does, it may just feel thicker as it was cut bluntly by the razor, rather than the hair retaining it’s natural shape and point.

Who Already Does It?

The trend was led by beauty tycoon Huda Kattan, who started posting videos to Instagram, and then writing a blog post and posting a video to YouTube, although it’s said that Marilyn Monroe and Elizabeth Taylor were both fans of this beauty treatment back in the day.

Anything Else You Need To Know?

  • We recommend ALWAYS visiting a professional beauty salon, specialist doctor or dermatologist, we don’t want any botched DIY jobs by friends who swear they know what they’re doing!
  • Keep up a light exfoliation routine afterwards, as this will help to prevent any ingrown hairs and bumps.
  • Ingrown hairs are more likely to appear now, but using a gentle exfoliating scrub regularly can ‘tease’ these out and will be removed at your next treatment.
  • Wear a high SPF afterwards as the skin will now be highly sensitive to exposure from the sun, even if it is a grey and overcast day! (you should already be using a high SPF daily as part of your skincare routine, so those who have been slacking with this will need to up their game!)